Courses & Resources

A short course in urban design for professionals at any stage in their careers who would like to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills in urban design.

This short course comprises a series of lectures, site visits and practical design exercises that will expand your knowledge of urban design theories and principles, and how to apply them in practice.

This course has been designed for people working in a built environment profession, as well as anyone aspiring to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills in urban design.

Urban Design Works aims to offer a range of services and online courses. Our first online course Urban Design Essentials is available FREE and is a great place to start.

We’re developing ideas and content for our online courses all the time and will share details of these with you soon. All our course are designed to complement our taught short course The foundation Certificate in Urban Design. To access our online courses click Find Out More.

Bringing people together to explore design options, and set design principles and concepts for a site or place. Our workshops are design-led and participatory.

Whether you’re developing a design brief, code, neighbourhood plan or masterplan, public and stakeholder engagement is essential. Urban Design Works will put together a team of design and engagement practitioners to explore the characteristics and context of your chosen area. We will guide participants through developing a collective design strategy to be used as the foundation for developing future detailed design approaches.

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